A Center for Remembering our Wholeness
copyright - jürgen müller-popken - 49767 twist - northern-germany
Alexander Technique  The Art of Allowing Improve the Quality of your Life Our being is effortless and expansive by nature. And yet, in our daily living many of us have exchanged our innate ease with unwarranted effort, which often leads to pain. In time we identify with our tension and discomfort, and accept it as who we are. In an Alexander session, I invite you to experience how you can move through life with less effort and pressure, and be more comfortable in your skin, at home, at work or in challenging situations. Sessions are safe and joyful. We’ll explore your real-life activities and situations. Through guided touch, movement explorations, enhanced awareness and table work, we access your body’s natural support.
I work in private sessions, groups, classes, workshops and seminars. I will also come to your home, workplace, educational institution and retreat. My studio is in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia, PA. I have been teaching the Alexander Technique for over 25 years in private practice and as a teacher trainer at the Alexander Alliance in Philadelphia and in Germany. The Philadelphia School for the Alexander Technique, www.phillyattraining.com and www.alexanderalliance.de I teach workshops and seminars in the US and in Europe with specialized themes for various situations and skills. I am happy to develop seminars based on your interests and needs.
A clearer understanding of your habits will help you choose new ones that are more supportive of your whole self.